Eating Disorder Community Outreach and Support Team

The team can only be accessed by clients already open to the Children and Young People's Eating Disorder Team

Available 7 days a week, 7.30am to 7.30pm.

Treviglas Health Hub, c/o Treviglas Academy, Bradley Road, Newquay, TR7 3JA
Email the Eating Disorder Community Outreach and Support Team
Call 01579 373 781

Who we are

The Community Outreach and Support Team provides intensive psychological and meal support within a home-based treatment approach. This is delivered in the home of children and young people and their parent or carers.

The team aims to prevent or reduce admissions to hospital, both for physical and eating disorder needs, reducing invasive treatment approaches and care located away from home. The team aims to empower children and young people and their parent or carers to apply knowledge and skill in an environment familiar to them, their home, which is led and implemented by the family system.

The team also supports clients who may require re-feeding admissions to acute hospital through liaison and consultation with paediatric staff. They can also provide limited and focussed assessment and psychoeducation to the individual and carers during their re-feeding admissions and for a period following discharge. The team also supports the Children and Young People’s Eating Disorder Service with urgent assessments.

The team is made up of:

  • 2 team managers
  • 2 clinical leads
  • 3 senior practitioners
  • 7 support workers
  • administrative support

How does service work?

The team offer is based on clinical need for those with increased presentations to paediatric settings or for re-feeding admissions, and those at risk of specialist eating disorder admissions.

Parent or carers will need to have already engaged in the Child and Young People's Eating Disorder Service’s parent group which is the services first line therapeutic intervention following a new patient assessment.

The child or young person and their parent or carer will also need to be receiving the team’s family-based treatment intervention to access this team. This threshold may be changeable based on the clinical need of local clients and therapy waiting times, this will be decided by the teams collectively.

The team provides a 3-stream pathway model:

  1. Being the most intensive offer which can be provided for up to 6-weeks with daily support.
  2. A less intensive offer of support for up to 4 half-day visits per week, this can be provided for up to 8-weeks.
  3. Focused on the paediatric ward and re-feeding support.

As the team is new and developing, the streams may change.

The child or young person and their parent or carers will need to consent to the clinical model care plan, with at least 1 parent or carer present at home during all interventions. The team cannot offer intensive input without parent or carer commitment. If a child or young person is deemed appropriate for this level of support, the offer will be discussed with them and their parent or carer in depth to determine whether they would like to engage and receive this support.

The team monitors its effectiveness through outcome measures with the child or young person and their parent or carer. This includes receiving regular feedback from both on their experiences of the service to support its improvement and development.


The team can only be accessed by clients already open to the Children and Young People's Eating Disorder Team. It is only this team and paediatric colleagues that can consider who is appropriate for this team and level of intensive intervention. This is decided based on the individuals clinical need and risk of admissions.

Information for parents and carers

Should your child present with increased risk to self (self-harm or suicide risk) and are unable to keep themselves safe and are additionally at risk of inpatient care, the team can request support from the Multi-Agency Rapid Response Service who deliver the intensive risk offer for Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS).

Information for young people

We understand that coming to meet unfamiliar people and sharing personal information can feel an overwhelming or worrying experience.

This team provides intensive support to you in your home and with your parent or carer and intends to prevent hospital admissions for your mental health or those for your physical health. This cannot be provided to you if yourself or your parent or carer are unable to commit to the team offer. This offer will be explained to you in full before you decide whether this level of support is something you want.

It is your choice to work with us as your care will be led by you. If you do not feel ready to work with us, we will respect your decision and will develop safety planning with you. If we feel that you are at high risk of harm and you are not able to work with us, we may discuss alternative options with you and your parent or carers.

All information you share with us in your appointments will be kept confidential between yourself and the team. If you share any information with a professional that suggests you may have been or are currently at risk of harm from others or to others, we have a duty of care to share this with the relevant services. If we need to do this, we will be open with you as to why we are doing this and who we are sharing this information with.

Service feedback

The NHS Friends and Family Test is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Share your experience.

If you would like to help us celebrate good practice in our service, you can also submit a WOW Award nomination for a member of staff or team. We would value any positive feedback you would be happy to share.

If you feel dissatisfied with the service we are providing, you are welcome to submit a complaint via our Patient Advice and Liaison Service.