Contact the Tuberculosis service

First floor offices, Building A, Green Court, Truro Business Park, Threemilestone, TR4 9LF

Email the TB team or call 01726 873 420.

There are 4 TB specialist nurses based at the offices.

  • Service lead nurse, call 07786 468 941
  • Specialist nurses, call:
    • 07920 576 535
    • 07747 457 233
    • 07776 636 504

Video appointments

We provide video appointments using Attend Anywhere. View our video-appointments page.

Tuberculosis team

Our Specialist Tuberculosis (TB) Community Nursing Team provides care and support to those affected by TB or concerned about the risk of TB.

Anyone who is worried about TB can contact the TB nurses by phone or email. You do not need a referral from your doctor.

The team of 4 specialist nurses and an administrator provide a wide range of services including:

  • telephone and email support and information
  • home visits to reduce the need for hospital appointments
  • treatment support to help you remember to take your medication and manage any potential side effects
  • directly observed treatment for people who struggle to take their medication or video observed treatment via the Attend Anywhere platform
  • liaison between you and the treating physicians or GP and any other services involved in your care
  • contact tracing, including large scale screening events in workplaces and educational settings, but also home visits for the assessment of close household contacts
  • education and awareness raising
  • community BCG clinics for those aged 5 years and above
  • translation services for those unable to read or speak English

Anyone under the care of the TB specialist nurses is appointed a named nurse who is responsible for their care. Your nurse will take time to get to know you and build a relationship that will help to provide the care that fits your needs. The team will proactively seek your feedback to ensure we are providing the best possible care for communities across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

Team values

We are a small friendly team of individuals, with a shared vision of providing a great TB service for the people of Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

We listen, encourage and empower each other, treating our patients with respect and empathy. We feel these behaviours create a safe and caring environment that helps us to thrive and face challenges together.

As a team we are committed to advancing and developing our skillset, striving to provide outstanding professional care.

What is TB?

TB is an infection caused by a bacterium (mycobacterium tuberculosis). TB bacteria are released into the air when someone with infectious TB coughs or sneezes.

Pulmonary TB (in the lungs or throat) is the only form of the illness that is infectious, but TB can affect any part of the body.

If left untreated, TB is a life-threatening illness. Even delays in treatment can have a devastating impact on a person’s health. But TB is curable with a special course of antibiotics.

The sooner the illness is diagnosed and treated the better, both in terms of the patient’s health and stopping them from passing it on to others.

BCG vaccination

BCG is a risk based vaccination programme with children born in high incidence areas or with parents or grandparents from high incidence areas eligible for vaccination.

If you become aware of an eligible child (who has not previously been vaccinated) please refer to us for assessment.

We also vaccinate people who are at risk of exposure to TB through their work or travel. If you think you need to be protected from tuberculosis, please contact us and we will assess your eligibility for vaccination.

Contact tracing

Contact tracing is the process of identifying individuals who have been in proximity of a person diagnosed with infectious TB. The process involves identifying people who have been infected and offer treatment.

End of latent TB treatment information

Now that you have successfully completed treatment for latent TB infection, here are some questions and answers you may find useful.

  1. Do I need another Quantiferon blood test or further investigations to make sure I am now free of TB?

    No further investigations are required Once an individual has been exposed to TB, their Quantiferon blood test result is likely to remain positive. If you are offered another Quantiferon blood test as part of contact tracing or an occupational health assessment, you should inform them that you have previously been treated for latent TB.

    We recommend keeping your treatment completion letter to provide as evidence of this. It is important you still attend for TB assessment and screening investigations.
  2. Now I have been treated for latent TB, is it possible for me to be infected again

    Yes, if you have another exposure to someone with infectious TB it is possible you will be infected again. It is important you attend for assessment and investigations if identified as a close contact.
  3. Is it possible the treatment might not have worked, and I will still develop active TB in the future?

    Treatment for latent TB infection is effective in preventing progression to active TB disease if medication has been taken as directed. However, you should remain vigilant for symptoms of active TB and seek medical review immediately if symptoms develop.
  4. What are the symptoms of active TB?

    A cough for 3 weeks or more, weight loss, fever, night sweats, tiredness, loss of appetite. Do not wait for all symptoms to develop. If you have 3 symptoms, contact the TB nurse or GP.
  5. Can I now have a BCG vaccination?

    No, BCG vaccination is not recommended for individuals with a history of TB infection (active or latent).

Latent or active disease

Not all cases of TB infection result in disease with symptoms. Most healthy people's immune systems are able to contain the infection in a latent (dormant) phase. Latent infection can progress to active disease if untreated.

People with latent infection cannot infect others.

Home isolation

Home isolation is recommended for anyone who is unwell with an infectious disease. This is to reduce the risk of passing on the infection to other people.

Migrant screening

TB is an infectious disease that circulates in communities all over the world. Anyone is at risk of TB infection but people from countries with a high incidence of TB are most at risk.

Children's tuberculosis service

Bug busting boy

Hi, my name is Bug Busting Boy. I am going to help you to learn about tuberculosis (TB) in children, what it does and how we can beat it. You are a superhero.

What is TB?

TB is a bug (bacteria) that can live in different parts of your body but mainly your lungs. Your lungs are in your chest and are what you use to breathe, so are important.

If they get a TB bug in them, they do not work as well and make it more difficult for you to do things, like running around and playing with your friends, so it is important that we get rid of them so you can enjoy doing the things you like.

TB can be active (awake). This can make you poorly, or it can be inside you but be asleep (latent), so you do not even know it is there. If it is asleep it could wake up and make you ill, so we want to get rid of it. We need to bust it out of you!

How can TB make you feel?

  • Tired.
  • Hot and sweaty.
  • Make you cough.
  • Make you lose weight and not have as much energy.
  • Sometimes it makes you not very hungry even for your favourite food.

Once you start taking the medication you will start to feel better very quickly.

How can we treat (bust) TB?

With special medicines that you must take every day! There are a few different medicines. You need them all to get rid of the TB bugs, so it is important that you take them all when an adult gives them to you.

It is best to take them when you wake up before breakfast. Sometimes people might need to take them with a biscuit, so it does not make their tummy sore.

The medicines have special powers and make your wee turn bright orange, and if you cry your tears will be bright orange too. This only happens while we are busting the bugs and when you stop taking the medicines the special powers will go too.

Because you must take them for a while, I have made you a chart so you can tick off each day so you can see when you are close to busting the bugs and getting rid of them. Your TB nurse will visit you regularly and might have a few surprises along the way!

Will people know I have TB?

If your TB Is active and awake, we might have to check some of the people you spend time with. This is to make sure that they have not got it and given it to you, or that you have not given it to them. If we speak to your classmates at school and you do not want them to know you have TB, we will not tell them.

If your TB is latent (asleep), then we will not need to tell or test any of your friends, and because you take your medications in the morning, if you do not want to tell them you do not have to.

It might seem scary and really annoying to have the TB bug but if you take the medicines, it will soon be gone.

Preparing your child for the clinic appointment

Before the clinic appointment

Prepare your child by talking about the BCG immunisation. Use a matter-of-fact approach, and describe what will happen, why the vaccine is given and how it will feel. Tell the child about the immunisation at least 1 day before. It helps them to plan how they will cope with it.

Answer your child’s questions honestly. Be straight forward when answering your child’s concerns such as:

  • What will happen? Answer: You will get a medicine called BCG given in the arm with a small needle.
  • Will it hurt? Answer: There may be a sting and some pressure that will last for a few seconds.
  • Why is the BCG given? Answer: To keep you healthy.

Do not give false reassurance and do not apologise. For example, do not say that ‘it will not t hurt’ or that you are sorry, as it may make your child think that the injection will be worse than it is.

Allow plenty of time to get to the appointment and park. If you are stressed, your child may also feel stressed.

When at the appointment

Sit the child on your lap and cuddle firmly in an upright seated position. Tell them to relax their arm and hold it still. The nurse will advise you of the best way to do this. Being held close to you will keep your child calm and helps to keep your child’s legs and arms still so that the injection can be given safely.

Be calm when your child receives the needle. Speak in an even, soft tone because the child is more likely to be calm if you are relaxed.

Ask your child to take a deep breath during the immunisation by having them blow out a pretend candle slowly. This helps the child to relax and takes the focus away from the procedure. Distracting with a favourite toy or book or talking about something else is also useful.

It is important that the child’s arm remains still during the procedure because the immunisation is slightly different to most injections with just the point of the needle inserted under the skin to a depth of 1 mm to 3 mm. It is easy for the needle to be dislodged if the arm is moved and it also takes a little longer to complete.

Recognise that the child has done well after the immunisation by praising and perhaps giving a small reward to reinforce their good behaviour.

Be prepared to wait 15 to 20 minutes after the injection and report any concerns to the nurse.

If you have more than 1 child to be vaccinated

Where possible, having 2 adults attend the appointment allows each child to be vaccinated separately. This helps to reduce stress in the children and parent.

Patient experience

My TB experience from patient 1

My TB experience from patient 1

Initial symptoms

Uncharacteristic periods of fatigue, hot sweats and shivers were my first symptoms.

My GP initially suggested I might have flu but later diagnosed a chest infection. My health deteriorated and I was admitted to hospital. I was originally treated for pneumonia. My condition continued to worsen until the respiratory specialist suggested that I should be given the antibiotics that would be used on a TB patient. From then on I began to recover.


Initially because I was being treated for an undiagnosed condition, but my health was still deteriorating I did wonder if in fact I would recover.

Secondly, once diagnosed I was concerned I may have passed the disease on to members of the family and other close contacts.

It was only when I started to feel better that I became reassured about recovery.

When I learned that the family members with whom I had been in contact would be tested for TB this helped allay my concerns about infecting others.

Information received

I was given relevant information regarding the disease and its treatment and the risk of infecting others but I supplemented this with information available on the internet.

Having more facts about the condition enabled me understand the treatment and the importance of maintaining a strict regime regarding the taking of the medication.

Most useful aspects of treatment

I found being able to attend regular clinics and having access to a dedicated TB nurse extremely valuable. This gave me comfort in knowing that my treatment was being closely monitored and I had access to someone who could answer any queries I might have.

Advice to others

TB is not the scourge it once was. Modern drugs are effective in beating the disease and in my case enabled me return to normal fitness. So do not panic and follow the guidance given by the TB team.

TB nurse and wider TB team

The TB nurse was very good at informing me of the nature of TB and the conditions under which it is likely to infect others and in organising the testing of family and other close contacts.

She was good at checking I always had an adequate supply of medication and following up any problems I had with the drugs.

The wider team, besides diagnosing the disease initially, proved to be good at monitoring my condition and adjusting the medication to suit the changing circumstances.

Suggested improvements

Once diagnosed I was very happy with the treatment I received.

But in my particular case it was some time before the TB was diagnosed and a subsequent enquiry to my GP about problems I was having with the drugs resulted in an admission that general practice has very little experience and knowledge of TB.

I think in view of the increase in its incidence it would be beneficial to make GPs more aware of the symptoms and make them more likely to consider the possibility that a patient may have contracted TB.

My TB experience patient 2

My TB experience from patient 2

Richard is a 57-year-old man who was diagnosed with TB in October 2020.

He had been in contact with someone who had TB many years before. He had had a stroke a few years earlier which had left him a bit forgetful and so it was decided that the TB nurse would make contact each weekday to observe him taking his TB medication. His treatment lasted 36 weeks.

He was very pleased when his treatment was completed and could return to his normal life.

He reports his TB experiences as:

My initial symptoms were coughing, night sweats, chills and tiredness. I had these for about 3 weeks before seeking any help but was diagnosed quite quickly which meant I did not spread it to my loved ones.

Throughout treatment he gained weight, his cough improved, he was able to walk to the shops again and he returned to feeling well.

His advice and comments were:

  • Stick with the medication, listen to the nurses, and try and be as positive as you can.
  • It’s a real positive that TB is curable.
  • The TB team are a lovely, compassionate, caring and professional body of nurses.

My TB experience patient 3

I found the first few weeks of treatment very difficult. Originally had been told it was lung cancer, then I was told it was TB. I went into shock, relief and disbelief, I was a mess. The isolation period I found really hard. If you have hidden vices, it ramps them up and made it so difficult, especially as I was by myself. I live in shared housing but never found it a problem with the nurses coming in, and neither did anyone within the house.

For me taking the tablets was never a problem. Although there was a lot, it did not bother me, but I could see how someone might find that hard, I felt it needs to be done so just get on with it. The side effects I suffered the most with was my stomach. I felt nauseated and vomited at times which was acidic and burned, although this did ease.

Having the TB Team come in to me daily has been everything to me. I would not have taken my tablets the way I should have and there is no way I would have completed the treatment without them coming in. Because I was so down and depressed, the team have given me a reason to get up in the morning. I would not have done on many occasions without them.

The TB nurses who came in daily were absolutely amazing. They have supported me and got me through the treatment and a lot more.

For anyone who is about to start treatment. I would say its treatable. As long as you do as your told there should not be anything to worry about. It's scary at first, but the information is clearly given. For me, I wish I had been screened when I was first contacted, and I would not have had to go through treatment.

My final thought is that the TB Team have been fantastic and supported me through such a difficult time in my life.

TB information in other languages