Suicide Liaison Service

For those who are left behind

This is a specialist service developed to support adults over the age of 18 years who have been bereaved by suicide. NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly has commissioned us to provide the service across the county.

We have trained professionals with expert knowledge, skills and experience in helping those who have been bereaved in this way.

The type of support they provide includes:

  • face-to-face contact with those who are left behind (family, loved ones or friends)
  • information, practical support and guidance about the sorting out of personal affairs
  • liaison with the Coroner's Office, the police, media or faith groups where necessary

The service supports adults over the age of 18 years who have been affected by suicide. If you or someone you know would like to access this free service, call 01208 871 905. You can also get a referral from your GP or a health professional. The service is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

Training and support

The service also runs 8-week bereavement by suicide courses and groups. If you would like more information on these, call 01208 871 905 to find out when the next course is likely to be delivered in your area.

"I cannot believe how much the Suicide Liaison Service has done for me since this tragedy happened. From almost immediate contact with the service, to the best therapist I have ever encountered, to the professionalism of all the support staff. I am very grateful."

Service user feedback

National Suicide Prevention Alliance

The National Suicide Prevention Alliance is a cross-sector England wide coalition. The alliance are committed to reducing the number of suicides in England and improving support for those bereaved or affected by suicide. They are also a membership organisation supporting the implementation of the national suicide prevention strategy.

Referrals for health professionals

If you are a health professional and want to refer someone into the service, complete the form below. Please note, this form should not be completed by patients.

Health professional online referral form

Additional resources

  • Help is at Hand: We regularly advise people to take a look at this useful booklet. The booklet was produced for people bereaved by suicide or other sudden, traumatic death. The guide brings together information and advice from a range of creditable sources and is endorsed by the Royal College of Psychiatrists.