Virtual wards
Telephone number and opening times
Call 01726 873 400.
Open 7 days a week, 9am to 5pm. Outside these hours if you feel unwell call 111 or 999.
What is a virtual ward?
A virtual ward allows you to receive care at home as an alternative to being in hospital.
What happens on a virtual ward?
As a patient on the virtual ward, you stay in the comfort of your own home or place of care. Our healthcare staff will check your condition remotely until you are better. Regular monitoring means we will pick it up early if you become unwell. If this happens, we will make sure you can access hospital care quickly and in a planned way.
If appropriate, we will loan you the device(s) you need to check your condition at home. This could be a pulse oximeter which allows us to measure your blood oxygen level. You send the readings from the device to the virtual ward staff. If your readings get worse, the team may contact you. They will give you support and advice on what to do next.
We will explain how to use the device(s), how to send in your readings, and how they will get in touch.
We will tell you what to do if you feel unwell. We will tell you when you have recovered. This will mean you can stop monitoring.
When you have recovered, we will arrange to collect our equipment from you.
If you live alone, ask a friend, family member, or neighbour to check up on you. Volunteer Cornwall can offer help through their care support volunteer network. Call Volunteer Cornwall on 01872 265 305.
Carers UK has produced a helpful virtual wards checklist for carers. The checklist will help to answer any questions, worries or concerns about virtual wards. It can also help you feel more empowered to speak to the healthcare team setting up the virtual ward.