Personalised care planning
Care is planned with you, about you and for you.
What is it?
Personalised care means people have choice and control over the way their care is planned and delivered. It is based on what matters to them and their individual strengths and needs.
What we do
We will work with you to make a care plan that is right for you.
We will talk with you about your health.
We will do our best to give you choices about your treatment and support.
Your family or friends can help to talk about your treatment and support if you say this is okay.
Family and friends can speak to us if they are worried about you.
We will not give out confidential information except if we know you or someone else may get hurt.
How it works
Together we will plan your care.
We will make a care plan which will include what:
- matters to you
- is going to be done by who and when
- should happen if your needs change or there is a crisis.
- you can do to help yourself
If you say it is okay your care plan will be shared with other health professionals. This means everyone works together to give you the help you need.
More information
If you have any questions about your care you can talk to someone from the health team, the team manager or the PALS.
Magic card
Magic stands for making all good decisions in collaboration. The magic card is a simple tool to facilitate shared decision-making and support planning personalised care. It supports people who use our services to become activated co-leaders of their care.
People who use our services or clinicians can write information or further questions in the blank space.
Moving forward we aim to create a version that can be filled in on a smartphone or tablet and an audible version. An easy read version is in progress. We will share them here once created.
Download the magic card (PDF, 30KB)
- Personalised care planning accessible patient leaflet (PDF, 415 KB)
- Personalised care planning top tips (DOCX, 94 KB)
Personalised care planning videos
Gathering information around personalisation and support plans
NHS Right Care long term condition scenarios