St Barnabas Community Hospital historically provided 9 inpatient beds, outpatient clinics and a minor injury unit, without x-ray facilities. The minor injury unit opened Monday to Friday, 8am and 3pm.
Minor injury unit opening hours
Please note the unit is temporarily closed. The nearest minor injury unit is at Liskeard Community Hospital or The Cumberland Centre, Devonport, Plymouth.
In December 2016, the Trust closed the minor injury unit to allow staff to focus on the care of inpatients. This reflected the limited use of the minor injury unit and, as a result, the challenge of maintaining staff’s skills. Additionally, the 9 beds were split over 2 floors, separated by a mezzanine. For safety reasons, this restricted the type of patients which could be treated as an inpatient.
In February 2017, in light of recruitment challenges, the Trust opted to consolidate its south east Cornwall hospital staff into the larger, modern facilities at Liskeard.
What’s happened since?
We have been meeting regularly with a group of local people which include Cornwall Council and town councillors, patient representatives, GPs, the League of Friends and other NHS organisations. Together we have been looking at where people from Saltash go when they are discharged from Derriford, such as home or a nursing home and the type of support they require. These meetings are continuing.
Relocation of community teams
In the summer a number of community teams including health visitors, school ;nurses and speech and language therapists moved into St Barnabas. Some had previously been located in the GP surgery. This allowed some development work to be undertaken at the surgery.
What’s happening now?
In October, over 719 years of community experience were brought together at a workshop in Saltash Guildhall. This involved the NHS, charities and voluntary organisations.
The event was used to look at complex cases and to consider broader solutions available in the wider community.
There was a huge amount of positive feedback from the event, especially in terms of networking and widening knowledge of the wealth of organisations available locally who can support people with physical, emotional and social needs.
Support your hospital
The hospital has a charitable fund which is used to improve patient services. The hospital is also generously supported by the League of Friends. Email Mary Shears, secretary, for more information.