We are pleased to confirm that work to install an elective surgical hub in the grounds of St Austell Community Hospital is almost complete. The hub will be operated by clinicians from Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust. It will have 2 theatres, 4 recovery bays and 6 pre-op assessment rooms. It will also have a reception and waiting areas. Once in place, the hub is set to deliver around 5,000 day surgery procedures a year.
The modular units arrived onsite in May 2024. The final stage of works to fit out the units is expected to last until the end of August 2024. These works continue to affect the overspill car park next to Happy Days Nursery and Engineers’ house. Until the works are complete, 1 row of spaces in this car park remain cordoned off. This is shown on the image below.

We are continuing to do all we can to manage the temporary reduction in parking with as little impact as possible. There are regular buses running between the hospital and St Austell town centre. Check the local bus timetable.
While we understand your frustrations, please do not park on the verges or along kerbed areas of the hospital site when spaces are full. The road is narrow anyway, and this will ensure emergency vehicles have easy access on the hospital site. It will also enable staff, patients and visitors to enter and move around the site safely.
We apologise for the inconvenience and hope you will continue to work with us to support this significant investment in the site.