Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
CAMHS delivers a range of teams for children and young people and covers the spectrum of ages 0 to 18 years old.
The different teams offer consultation and evidence-based interventions based on the level of mental health need that children and young people present with. This also depends on the children, young people, and their carers readiness to engage with what our teams can offer.
There are several other teams within the service. Each team has its own webpage, which can be accessed in the menu bar above. If the page is not listed, it is because we are currently developing the page, please check back again soon.
I-thrive domain: Getting risk support.
Supports young people in crisis in a holistic way joined up with social care. This service webpage is located under children's services as it is a dual-agency service.
I-thrive domain: Getting help.
Work with children and young people aged 5 to 18 with a moderate level of mental health need or less. This is a countywide team with clinicians working across the 6 locality areas in Cornwall.
To access the most personalised and timely support for a child or young person with suspected neurodiversity, someone who knows them well needs to complete the neurodiversity profiling tool with them and their family first.
The profiling tool can help to pinpoint specific areas of impact and identify ways to support them with neurodiverse needs and differences straight away. The actions identified from the profiling need to be completed, and strategies and reasonable adjustments trialled for a sustained period of over 12 weeks.
If you are still struggling with how to support a young person after this, we would invite you to speak to our multi-disciplinary consultation team to access support.
Due to a change in neurodevelopmental pathways in Cornwall in 2024, our service is supporting the old pathway assessment process for a specific cohort children and young people. This is to help move those children and young people through the previous pathway and is not an ongoing part of our service offer.
For more information, visit the Parent Carers Cornwall website. For support, email our Neurodiversity Team.
BLOOM is an early intervention consultation model. The model proactively promotes maintaining the positive social, emotional, mental health and wellbeing of children and young people.
Our key aim is to help to build resilience and empower children, young people (and the adults in their lives) to get the help they need, when they need it. BLOOM supports in the earlier identification and actioning of support to address emerging signs and symptoms of emotional and mental distress.
Designed to provide a rapid response for children and young people aged 5 to 18, BLOOM works by finding ways to support the network already in place around the child or young person.
Some of the things we may be able to support with:
If you have concerns about the wellbeing of your child or young person, as a first step speak to your mental health lead at school. You can also speak to any other professional known to you and your family, such as a GP or youth worker. They will talk through the presenting difficulties and can either offer you additional support, and/or refer you to BLOOM.
Our teams deliver a range of I-thrive support and interventions across the domains of getting advice, getting help, getting more help, and getting risk support. Find out more information on the I-thrive model.
The NHS Friends and Family Test is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Share your experience.
If you would like to help us celebrate good practice in our service, you can also submit a WOW Award nomination for a member of staff or team. We would value any positive feedback you would be happy to share.
If you feel dissatisfied with the service we are providing, you are welcome to submit a complaint via our Patient Advice and Liaison Service.
We provide video appointments using Attend Anywhere. Join your appointment by video.
If you are in crisis, or know someone else that needs help, call NHS 111 and select the mental health option.
The Neurodiversity Hub aligns to the Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly neurodevelopmental profiling tool and can be used by everyone. It forms a part of our early help offer of support for children, young people and their families. The contributors to the content of the profiling sections are varied. It includes those with lived experience and professionals working with neurodivergent children and young people. There are ample resources for a range of neurodiverse and other needs.