Children’s Community Nursing Service

Community children’s nurses will support your child at home or another setting in the local community. The team will administer intravenous medication, provide nursing support to children who are dependent on technology. For example, they are tube fed or have a tracheostomy.

They also provide support for children with complex and life limiting conditions and end of life care in collaboration with other community facing services. Their aim is to prevent or reduce the amount of time your child needs to spend in hospital. To help you and your child, they will provide information, resources and support to help your child be as independent as possible. They will work with you and the other health staff and organisations who support your child’s health and wellbeing.

Contact the Children’s Community Nursing Service

Available Monday to Saturday, 8am to 6pm.


Call the team on 01872 246 956 and ask to speak to the triage nurse for the day. Referrals can be accepted from any professional involved with the child or young person.

Paediatric Epilepsy Nurse Specialist Service

Help for families

Our caring for a child or young person with epilepsy leaflet (PDF, 500 KB) has helpful information and resources on how to care for a child or young person with epilepsy .

Who we are

We provide a point of contact for young people and their families to address any problems, queries or concerns in relation to their epilepsy.

We accept referrals for any young person living in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly from consultant paediatricians based in Cornwall, Plymouth, Exeter and Barnstaple.

We provide clinics in the community, home visits, telephone calls and, where appropriate, school visits.

What we do

We can provide the following support:

  • advice and guidance around the diagnosis of epilepsy and further seizure control
  • medication monitoring and advice
  • support with the training and use of emergency medications
  • training for schools and other care settings
  • comprehensive care plans to follow during a seizure
  • advice and guidance around clinical investigations
  • discussion about emotional health and wellbeing and signposting to relevant services
  • assistance with alternative treatments including specialist interventions from Bristol Children’s Hospital
  • working with the wider multi-disciplinary team
  • guidance with lifestyle choices
  • transition to adult services


The Paediatric Epilepsy Nurse Specialist Service is available Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

Existing referrals and enquiries

Children’s Services Care Management Centre, Truro Health Park, Infirmary Hill, Truro, TR1 2JA

Professional referrals

Short Break Service

The Short Break Service gives short breaks or respite to families who have a child with a learning disability and physical health needs. These breaks are provided from homes called Gwyn Dowr, Layland and Roston.

Gwyn Dowr

Higher Pengegon, Camborne, TR14 7TZ. Call 01209 881 881.

A large detached house in a quiet residential area of Camborne. Our leaflets for parents and children provide more information.


Old Road, Liskeard, PL14 6DJ. Call 01579 373 616 or email the Layland unit.

A large detached bungalow in a quiet residential part of Liskeard. It can support up to 4 children at a time. Read our leaflet for parents and children for more information.

The short break service is available to children and young people aged between 3 and 18.


Crane, Camborne, TR14 7PW. Call 01209 881 848.

Also in Camborne, Roston is a large detached bungalow in a quiet residential area close to the shops and local amenities. Our leaflets for parents and children provide more information on what to expect when staying at Roston.

Youth justice specialist nurses

The Youth Justice service is a multi-disciplinary team of staff from social care, health, education, housing, police, probation, and drugs and alcohol services. Its aim is to identify the specific issues that may be influencing the child or young person’s behaviour using a trauma-informed approach. The service then offers a suitable intervention that aims to meet the young person’s needs and reduces the likelihood of them getting in to further trouble.

Youth justice specialist nurses work alongside the Youth Justice service to reduce health inequalities and improve outcomes. They are a small team of qualified specialist community public health nurses. Their role is to ensure that the physical and emotional health needs of young people who are working with the service are identified and addressed through appropriate health services.

The team will refer any child or young person for whom they identify unmet health issues, to the youth justice specialist nurses. The nurses will then undertake a holistic health assessment and will offer advice and support where appropriate or may act as an advocate for young people to assist them to access the health services that they require.

Who is the service for?

Children and young people aged between 10 and 18 years of age who are within the youth justice system.

For more information call Jo Staves, Lead Youth Justice Specialist Nurse, on 01872 326 782.

Useful resources