Contact the locality teams

  • Caradon: Heathlands, 6A Heathlands Business Park, Heathlands Road, Liskeard, PL14 4DH. Email the Caradon Team or call 01579 373 850.
  • Carrick: Truro Health Park, Infirmary Hill, Truro, TR1 2JA. Email the Carrick Team or call 01872 246 980.
  • Kerrier: The Hive, Kernow Building, Wilson Way, Pool, Redruth, TR15 3QE. Email the Kerrier Team or call 01209 204 000.
  • North east: Launceston Family Hub, Coronation Park, Launceston, PL15 9DQ. Email the North East Team or call 01566 765 660.
  • Penwith: Bolitho House, Laregan Hill, Penzance, TR18 4NY. Email the Penwith Team or call 01736 571 070.
  • Restormel: Shaw House, Porthpean Road, St. Austell, PL26 6AD. Email the Restormel Team or call 01726 873 292.

About the CAMHS Locality Team

We provide assessment, consultation and treatment for children and young people with moderate to severe, and complex mental health problems. The locality CAMHS teams work with children and young people aged 5 to 18 years old.

The service provides psychological interventions to children, young people, and their parent or carers. We also work with children and young people with co-morbid moderate to severe mental health and neurodiversity needs, this support is focussed on the mental health need, with the relevant adaptions to support engagement.

The service is made up of multi-disciplinary teams of mental health professionals such as:

  • psychiatrists
  • psychologists
  • nurses
  • psychotherapists
  • systemic therapists
  • art therapists
  • cognitive behavioural therapists
  • support workers

This is in addition to and CAMHS practitioners from different professional backgrounds, a range of administrative staff and trainees from different backgrounds.

How the service works

There are 6 locality teams across Cornwall.

West Cornwall

  • Penwith (based in Penzance).
  • Kerrier (based in Pool).


  • Carrick (based in Truro).
  • Restormel (based in St Austell).

East Cornwall

  • Caradon (based in Liskeard).
  • Northeast (based in Launceston).

The teams work closely with schools, social care, charities, voluntary and community groups and deliver evidence-based interventions based on clinical care pathways.

Our care pathways are based on specific mental health needs including mood, anxiety, eating, post-traumatic stress. The pathways support the movement of children and young people through their care. It is used alongside what we call outcome measures, which are used to review a child or young persons progress in interventions. Children and young people may have multiple options for the type of interventions they can receive depending on the care pathway and the evidence-base for that need.

We offer initial intervention which is tailored to the holistic needs of the child or young person. This is the first part of our treatment offer, we review interventions after every 6 sessions. This is to ensure that support is effective, and the child or young person is able to engage.

Specialist treatments are usually considered following the initial offer and are based on the child or young persons motivation, outcome measures, goals, and clinical recommendation. All specialist treatments are based on NICE guidance evidence-based treatment and align to our clinical care pathways.

Referral information

Referrals to locality CAMHS are received by the Access Team. The team provide a consultation and will triage the referral information to ensure referrals are signposted to the correct CAMHS or an alternative service.

If the referral is appropriate for assessment with a CAMHS locality team, the child or young person will receive an acceptance letter from the Access team to confirm this. Following the acceptance, the child or young person will be placed on a waiting list for assessment with the relevant locality team. The locality team is decided based on GP practice.

The locality teams aim to provide new patient assessments within 28 days of the referral being received by the service. During times of high demand this is likely to take longer. In the case it takes longer, we encourage the individual, parent or carer, or professionals, to contact the service to share any worsening changes in mental health need or risk. The team contact information is located on the acceptance letter and above.

The new patient assessment is provided by professionals from a locality team. It can take up to 90 minutes to complete the assessment. We assess the child or young person to develop an understanding of their level of need and presenting mental health. The assessment develops a formulation for the individual and determines whether the locality team is the right level of service for them.

If it is felt that locality CAMHS is not the most appropriate service, the assessment provides alternative recommendations for that individual. A copy of this outcome letter is sent to the individual, parent or carer, GP, and referrer.

Information for professionals

If you are working with a child or young person and wish to seek advice or share information, contact the relevant locality team to share information with our administrative colleagues. This can be done via email or telephone.

You can also request to speak to the team duty clinician if you wish to discuss worsening clinical or risk concerns.

If you are not sure which locality team you need to contact, call any of the teams and we will be able to signpost you correctly.

Information for parents and carers

Should your child or young person's mental health or risk worsen whilst waiting for a new patient assessment, contact the team to share this information. If you are not sure which locality team you need to contact, call any of the teams and they will be able to signpost you correctly.

If following assessment your child or young person is accepted for treatment, they will be placed on a further waiting list for allocation. Allocation means your child or young person will be assigned a lead health care professional. This person is important in co-ordinating their care received from our service.

When placed on the allocation waiting list, children, young people, and parent or carers will receive a monthly welfare call to check in as to any changes in need or risk. This will be provided monthly until your child or young person is allocated in the team.

Due to demand for our services, we encourage you to inform of us of any appointments you may need to cancel or rearrange as we follow a ‘was not brought’ policy. This policy means we have a limit of missed appointments we can accept before considering discharge from the service. This is to ensure all children and young people waiting are safeguarded and allows other people waiting for support to access help in a timely way.

CAMHS is not a crisis service. Professionals can provide a maximum number of appointments at any given time due to supporting many children and young people. This means that if your child or young person is open to the team and requires more intensive support, a support request can be made to our Multi-agency Rapid Response Service for enhanced risk support if deemed clinically appropriate.

We cannot provide information to the education sector to support non-attendance to school or college. We can only share information on the needs of a child or young person and how this may impact them when at their educational placement. Support around education attendance or additional special or educational needs will need to be discussed with the school or college themselves. This can be done through the school or college’s special education needs lead.

Information for young people

We understand that coming to meet unfamiliar people and sharing personal information can feel an overwhelming or worrying experience. Your first experience of meeting our team will be at your new patient assessment. This assessment will take up 90 minutes and hopes to explore a range of topics so that we can better understand you.

We will ask you questions about:

  • family life
  • hobbies
  • education
  • childhood experiences
  • what you are struggling with at present
  • how things could be better for you
  • any goals you might have to improve things
  • your safety within yourself, at home and in the community

We offer you time to be seen alone in the assessment if that would be helpful for you. We encourage you to think about some of these topics, your strengths, and challenges ahead of the appointment.

You are welcome to write notes down and bring this with you. This might be helpful in making sure you share as much information with us as you can to help your assessment outcome.

We are here to learn what your needs are and how we can best support you. This might mean that other services might be more helpful for you based on your what you would like support with.

Attending CAMHS is not something you have to do. It is your choice to work with us as your care will be led by you. If you do not feel ready to work with us, or if you decide you would like to stop attending once you have started, we will respect your decision.

All information you share with us in your appointments will be kept confidential between yourself and the team. If you share any information with a professional that suggests you may have been or are currently at risk of harm from others or to others, we have a duty of care to share this with the relevant services. If we need to do this, we will be open with you as to why we are doing this and who we are sharing this information with.

Service feedback

The NHS Friends and Family Test is an important feedback tool that supports the fundamental principle that people who use NHS services should have the opportunity to provide feedback on their experience. Share your experience.

If you would like to help us celebrate good practice in our service, you can also submit a WOW Award nomination for a member of staff or team. We would value any positive feedback you would be happy to share.

If you feel dissatisfied with the service we are providing, you are welcome to submit a complaint via our Patient Advice and Liaison Service.

Virtual tours of CAMHS bases across Cornwall

Bolitho House, Penwith CAMHS

The Hive, Kerrier CAMHS

Shaw House, Restormel CAMHS

Truro Health Park, Carrick CAMHS

Launceston, north CAMHS

Heathlands, Caradon CAMHS