Environmental sustainability
In March 2021, the Trust, the NHS Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Integrated Care Board and Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust approved an integrated care system green plan.
Our green plan includes the following targets:
- net zero carbon footprint by 2030
- net zero carbon footprint plus by 2045
Delivering a net zero NHS strategy
The NHS England delivering a net zero NHS strategy recommended 2040 as the target year to achieve a net zero carbon footprint. We set 2030 as our net zero carbon footprint target because time of the essence. We have a history of taking a lead role on climate change.
Our commitment
We are committed to operating in a way that protects the environment and is sustainable.
We have recently reviewed our green plan to reconfirm our priority action areas. We are now working hard to embed our net zero targets into our:
- embed our net zero targets into our strategic, operational, and decision-making activity
- support our staff to take action
- deliver priority projects, such as reducing business travel carbon emissions (business travel makes up about 72% of carbon footprint)
- assist with co-benefit projects, such as promoting and facilitating healthier and active choices
In 2006, we were one of the first NHS Trust’s in England to write a carbon reduction strategy. This included an energy based 15% carbon reduction target. By 2015 we achieved a 62% reduction in energy consumption.
Several carbon reduction projects have been delivered.
- Construction of our Sowenna unit in Bodminto the Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology (BREEAM) new construction excellent rating.
- Department of Health funding for an electric vehicle pool car project powered by our own solar PV systems.
- Install additional solar PV systems.
- Refurbishment of buildings to higher standards, implementation of better controls and systems (for example install of automatic metering systems).
- Setting up a Greener Healthcare Collaboration Group to support our staff to take action.
- Waste management improvements.
There are a number of projects underway. These include several health creation projects (there are clear links between healthier lifestyles and choices and carbon reduction). We have set an ambitious target to conduct at least 50% of our consultations outside or in a non-traditional space by 2029. Our Healing By Nature and CAMHS Goes Wild projects will help us deliver this target as we transform our services into the future.
More information
Progress updates are provided in our annual reports. For more information, email the Sustainability Team.