Camborne Redruth Community Hospital

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital provides physical and mental health care services for people in the local area.

Outpatient clinics are provided from the hospital. Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, day care, and stroke, wheelchair and cardiac services are also available. Laynon Ward also supports student nurses and nurse apprentices.


  • Minor injury unit.
  • X-ray.
  • Inpatient care.
  • Outpatient clinics.
  • Community assessment and treatment unit.
  • Free parking.
  • Accessible parking and access

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital does not provide dental services. Find out how to access dental services.

Installation of a modular ward and diagnostic pad at Camborne Redruth

Onsite roadworks

Building and improvement works at Camborne Redruth Community Hospital are moving forward at pace. These include repairs to older parts of the existing building, as well as the installation of a covered walkway that will connect the new Rosewarne Stroke Rehabilitation Unit to the ambulance drop-off bay. Work on a new diagnostic facility is set to start over the coming months.

The ongoing and upcoming works on the stroke and diagnostic units require a power upgrade onsite. To allow the National Grid to carry out this upgrade, 2 new sub-stations need to be installed. Trenches and excavations are required in several areas, in order to lay new power cables.

We have explored all options to allow for the first phase of these enabling works to be carried out safely and with the least disruption possible. Unfortunately, the only option is a temporary closure of the road that leads from the driveway to the main entrance of the hospital towards Longreach House.

The temporary closure is scheduled to start on Monday 10 March. The road is set to reopen on Monday 21 March. Access will be maintained throughout, via a diversion. The route will run to the left of the road closure, and down through the adjacent car park. The closure (marked with a red dashed line) and diversion (marked with blue directional arrows) are shown on the map below.

Camborne Redruth Community Hospital road closure map

Traffic signs will be clearly displayed. Also, traffic marshals will be onsite with 2-way radios and stop-go boards. These will be used to direct staff, patients and visitors, as well as to ensure emergency vehicles have priority as needed.

A few spaces in the car park being used for the diversion route are coned off. However, most of the parking spaces are available. The car park to the rear of the stroke rehabilitation unit is being used for the contractors' compound, and remains closed. All other car parks onsite and open as normal, including Longreach.

While we understand your frustrations, we kindly ask you not to park on the verges or along kerbed areas of the hospital site when spaces are full. This will ensure emergency vehicles have easy access to our site, and that staff, patients and visitors can enter and move around the site safely.

Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience during the building works. We hope you will continue to work with us to support these significant investments in the site.

Minor injury unit

Minor injury units, or MIUs, treat a range of injuries that have happened in the last 14 days. Nurses, paramedics and healthcare assistants run our minor injury units.

We have 10 minor injury units spread across Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly. You do not need an appointment and can walk in

Check live waiting times and opening hours.

Remember your nearest unit may not be the quickest. If you need advice before you travel, visit NHS 111 online or call 111.

Call our mental health line for advice and support 24/7 on 0800 038 5300.

What can minor injury units treat?

Minor injury units can treat:

  • sprains and strains
  • minor breaks or fractures
  • traumatic wound infections (not surgical wounds)
  • minor burns and scalds
  • head injuries (where the person has not been unconscious)
  • insect and animal bites and stings
  • minor eye injuries
  • cuts, bruises and grazes

When your GP is closed, they can treat suspected infections. These include sore ears and throats.

Most minor injury units have access to x-ray.

Support your hospital

The hospital has a charitable fund that is used to improve patient services.

The hospital is also generously supported by the League of Friends. The League of Friends can be contacted via main reception. The secretary is Juliet Jenkin.


Carn Brea Ward and community assessment and treatment unit

The ward has 20 beds, 16 of which form a community assessment and treatment unit.

The unit is designed to help keep people safe, well and prevent admissions to the Royal Cornwall Hospital in Truro.

Open to anyone over the age of 18 but will mainly support older people from the Kerrier area.

Patients who are treated on the unit will be provided with very short-term support for a maximum of 48 hours while diagnostic tests and assessments are carried out by the multi-disciplinary team.

Checklist of items to bring into hospital

  • Toiletries.
  • Change of clothes and footwear.
  • Any current medicines.
  • Glasses.
  • Books or magazines.
  • Mobile phone or tablet.
  • No more than £10 in cash.

Visting information

Read the latest visiting guidelines. Visiting hours are 10.30am to midday, 2pm to 5pm and 6.30pm to 8pm.

Protected mealtimes

The ward has protected mealtimes between midday and 2pm, and from 5pm to 6.30pm. No visitors are allowed during these times. Please arrange this with the ward manager.

How to contact your relative

Patients can use their own mobile telephones or tablets while on the ward. We also have iPads available and are happy to support patients to make video calls using these. Please ask a staff member for details.

Call the ward on 01209 318 153 if you need to speak to someone.

Lanyon Ward

Laynon Ward has 20 beds. These provide hospital care for people who need rehabilitation after a brain injury, for example a stroke.

The ward has its own therapy team to help patients with their recovery. This includes physiotherapy, occupational therapy, and speech and language therapy.

Checklist of items to bring into hospital

  • Toiletries.
  • Change of clothes and footwear.
  • Any current medicines.
  • Glasses.
  • Books or magazines.
  • Mobile phone or tablet.
  • No more than £10 in cash.

Visiting information

Read the latest visiting guidelines. Visiting times are 2pm to 4.30pm and 6.30pm to 8pm.

Protected mealtimes

The ward has protected mealtimes between 12.30pm to 1.30pm and from 5pm to 6pm. If you would like to help your relative to eat and drink you are welcome to stay on the ward. Please arrange this with the ward manager.

Contacting a patient

Patients can use their own mobile telephones or tablets while on the ward. We also have iPads available and are happy to support patients to make video calls using these. Please ask a staff member for details.

Call the ward on 01209 318 017. Alternatively the ward has a handset telephone which can be taken to your relative or friend, call 01209 318 018.