
Cornwall Perinatal Team recognised for high quality service

Perinatal Team members: Alice Jago, Tracey Clark, Jacqueline Stevens, Elysia Merenda, Corinne Harvey, Corina Dobrin, Jess Wills, Ruth Marsden, Danielle McCaskie.

The Trust’s Perinatal Team has received national recognition from the Royal College of Psychiatrists Perinatal Quality Network for delivering high quality care.

The team helps pregnant and postnatal women who are struggling with their mental health. The team can support a mother from conception up until their child’s second birthday.

As well as therapy, they offer a unique nursery nurse service and assist with maternal attachment and bonding.

“We have a broad multidisciplinary team. It includes mental health professionals, peer support workers, health visitors and a midwife.

“Additionally, we have recently developed a perinatal loss and trauma service. The team deliver psychological interventions and peer support to people who may have previously not had support.”

“We worked for a year to achieve accreditation. The process began with us collecting and submitting evidence for over 200 standards. Then in May last year, an external panel of experts visited us. They interviewed people who both access and deliver our services.” Ruth Marsden, Operations Lead

Growing self-belief

Hayley Gooding is mother to 5-year-old Evelyn and 2-year-old George. She received support from the team to help her with feelings of depression.

“The team began helping me during and after my first and second pregnancies. I had already had 2 miscarriages. I was also dealing with the difficulties of an eating disorder. As well as supporting me with medication and low weight, the team helped me bond with the idea that I was having a baby.”

“Once I had my children, I struggled with self-belief. I thought I was a bad mother. The team filmed and photographed me with the children. That was so I could observe my mothering skills. I thought I was doing everything wrong, but the films convinced me that I was getting important things right.”

The team uses a technique called Video Interaction Guidance. This helps a mother observe herself as others do.

Hayley explains, “I still make films now when I have self-doubt. This is just one of the techniques the team taught me.”

She adds, “Sometimes I still struggle with my feelings. But I now know that there are services available to help.”

10 years of delivering care

The Perinatal Team recently celebrated their 10-year anniversary. Prior to this, there was little in the way of maternal and perinatal care in the county.

The Angela Harrison Trust is a charity set up in the name of a young mother who took her own life whilst experiencing severe postnatal depression. They approached the commissioners and pressed for specialist services in Cornwall.

Ruth explains, “Receiving this accreditation demonstrates how far we have come in 10 years.

“This recognition means that our services meet formally recognised standards of quality care. As a team, we are thrilled that women and babies in Cornwall can be assured of this high standard of care.”

Contact details

The team are a county-wide service. They accept self-referrals as well referrals from professionals. We encourage anyone to contact us for consultation and discussion.

For more information, call 01872 246 820.

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