How we will do this

Use digital technology to free up clinicians' time

We will implement our digital strategy with strong clinical partnership to ensure we can use digital technology at key points in the care pathway, such as triage to enable faster access to the right treatments. We will realise the full benefit of the Devon and Cornwall Care Record and shared care records including an integrated approach to the Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust E-Care implementation. We will build a team of clinical information officers to safely review, promote and support the implementation of new technologies including artificial intelligence, that will improve the efficiency, effectiveness and experience of care.

Reduce unnecessary documentation

We will review our clinical records policy with the specific aim of reducing unnecessary bureaucracy.

Develop a culture of practice that allows clinicians to confidently focus on providing the right care

We will develop a culture that removes blame and fear but is driven by accountability and the desire to achieve the highest standards. We will clearly describe the full breadth of what is considered part of direct clinical care and promote a culture of trust in clinical care so excessive documentation is not encouraged and can be challenged by teams.

Use administrative roles to support the more effective and efficient provision of care

We will carry out a review of how we use administrative roles in the Trust to free up clinicians' time for patient care. We will develop a clear understanding of the benefit of administrative support so we can establish the right mix of roles within our organisation to deliver effective and efficient care.

How will we know we have achieved this?

We will know we have achieved this when:

  • all integrated neighbourhood teams have access to an electronic patient record
  • there is a strong team of clinical information officers supporting innovation and implementation
  • we have published a renewed risk assessment and record keeping policy that reduces the burden of documentation where appropriate
  • an administration review will have been completed creating effective and satisfying roles for admin staff, responding to IT developments and supporting clinical staff to focus on patient care
  • we can demonstrate the proportion of clinicians' time spent on patient facing work has increased to 70%

Linked Care Quality Commission statements

  • Safe and effective staffing.
  • How staff, teams and services work together.